CS 371g Summer 2020: Shuyan Li

2 min readJun 21, 2020


What did you do this past week?

Collatz was finally done. C++ is such a detail-oriented language, and consistency and rules are so important. Debugging ability is crucial. Lectures are quite intense, so I would sometimes watch the lecture recordings for whatever is slipping out of my brain.

What’s in your way?

I’m doing well. I just genuinely wish my eyesight won’t get worse since work is all in front of the screen now. My Wi-Fi is a little unstable. More access points have been set up here to extend the wireless coverage. The signal still breaks from time to time, so we just switch to hotspots.

What will you do next week?

I will read more about C++ libraries and write more code to solidify what I learned this past week about exceptions and constants. My partner (Yuhan) and I met via Zoom earlier today and we briefly discussed the basic structure of the Netflix Project. We set up the required files. We will spend more hours next week writing the cpp file and figuring out how to integrate the CI/CD and testing frameworks into the repository. We also need to complete the makefile.

What was your experience of exceptions, consts, and Boost serialization? (this question will vary, week to week)

I think Professor Downing made the concepts of exceptions and consts very clear in class. I don’t know anything about Boost serialization. I have a vague understanding of what it is trying to do, but I am still not very sure about it. I have updated the Docker image, but I haven’t touched the serializing part yet.

How are you doing and holding up? What’s been most helpful for you in terms of support at this time?

Talking is probably the most helpful and the most effective way? It’s hard to guess what’s going on in others’ minds. And it gets even harder (and funnier) when I guess wrong, doesn’t it? Not much has changed in my life since last week. I hope Texas could soon recover from COVID-19.

What made you happy this week?

Happiness comes from little things. It can be finding out a Piazza post is exactly what I need. It can be unexpected encounters with some old acquaintances. I have such a low haha point that literally anything can make me happy, especially my own blunders, which happen too often.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

https://send-anywhere.com/file-transfer. I have been using this app a lot to transfer files from my Windows computer, my iPhone, and someone else’s Android.




Written by Shuyan


Computer Science student at the University of Texas at Austin

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