CS 373 Spring 2020: Shuyan Li

3 min readFeb 9, 2020


What did you do this past week?

I submitted tons of applications for summer 2020 internships. I finished my Data Mining assignment and my Applied Stat course assignment. These are the main things I did this past week. Aside from that, I gained a little financial literacy by attending events of some business organization. I think that actually improves the way I communicate as well.

What’s in your way?

My schedule is weird this semester. I don’t have classes on Tuesday and Thursday, but my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are packed with back-to-back classes. I really want to review the materials right after the class and ask any remaining questions that pop out of my mind, but I can’t do that because I must be in another class in five minutes. I definitely need to be more disciplined in taking more detailed notes and reminding myself to go to office hours or review lecture stuff every day. Also, my roommate and I are getting very good at distracting each other from the work each one of us needs to be focused on at the moment. For example, I would invite her to watch a movie with me and she would make me play this new game she bought on her Nintendo Switch. We did have plenty of fun, but the problem is I would have to stay up until 3 a.m. in the morning in order to finish all my assignments after all those fun, which is not fun at all. I told my roommate about this issue yesterday, and I am sure we will get it resolved quickly and get more sleep and more productivity.

What will you do next week?

I need to finish my Data Mining Assignment. I am finishing up the Collatz assignment today or tomorrow. I need to meet with someone later today, but I will spent the whole night today working on Collatz after that. I will clean up my notes for this class which would also be a good review, and I will go to the FoCS Night and the career fair. It will be a lot. In a nutshell, I will focus on my classes and assignments and go to necessary events with preparations ahead of time.

What was your experience of exceptions, types, and operators?

I have some experience with the try catch block in handling exceptions. I worked with Java and C++ before so I am familiar with working with types and operators, but I am not very sure about some of the details so I will need to review my notes more often to remember them.

What made you happy this week?

I made dumplings with friends yesterday since it’s Lantern Festival (Feburary 8, 2020). I dropped two classes. I threw away a bunch of unused stuff and cleaned up the entire apartment. That’s really good since I feel like I am gaining control of my life.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I just read this Pair Programming article on Perusall that was assigned to all of us. I think it’s a great article to read. It reminds me of the necessary practices and efforts to make pair programming work. I used to think I cannot do well in pair programming, but I feel like I found a new perspective now.




Written by Shuyan


Computer Science student at the University of Texas at Austin

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