What did you do this past week?
I went to the TA office hour to figure out how to set up the docker environment on my Windows machine using Docker Toolbox. I just started the Collatz assignment and I am now following the Workflow page to set up Gitlab issues. Aside from this class, I met up with some friends from previous classes and organizations.
What’s in your way?
I just started this assignment. I think my current shortage of knowledge in Python would slow me down a little bit, so I need to arrange more time for that. Also, I realized I am getting unnecessarily busy sometimes since I need to practice interviews, go to events, do assignments, etc. That could harm my productivity a lot because it may distract me from the task at hand. I have also been feeling stressful very often about my own performance in general. I am currently considering talking to someone and I believe things will get better for me. But before that, I need to be more patient with myself, cut out some unnecessary things, and be more focused.
What will you do next week?
I am trying to familiarize myself with Gitlab procedures. I will focus on the Collatz project next week and try to finish it earlier before the deadline so that I will have more time to let the knowledge sink in after that. In general, next week will be a really busy week for me, since I have not done much for all my classes yet and all deadlines are quickly approaching. I could imagine myself spending a long time sitting in front of my computer in the library working on these stuff this coming week.
What was your experience of assertions, unit tests, coverage, and continuous integration?
I have used assertions to test bugs in the code before, but I don’t really have much experience with Python unit tests, coverage, and continuous integration. I can imagine them being really useful in software development, so I can’t wait to learn more. I need to practice applying them and projects and assignments are great opportunities.
What made you happy this week?
I resumed the leetcode grind and I started swimming regularly. Having a healthier lifestyle and being more productive can’t make me feel happier. Also, meeting up with old friends is very nice.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I am taking Data Mining right now and Python is going to be used extensively in that class. I find Anaconda and jupyter notebook pretty amazing in keeping versions of environments, codes, and notes in order.